
Hi, I'm Reala!
This is my personal site, a space for my art and the stuff I hold dear. It's my internet home and my base, my virtual cozy bedroom. If you want, you can make a blanket fort here too.
I'm essentially a coding novice, so this place is a bit scruffy here and there, but I'm always learning. I have lots of plans, so the site will always grow and change, mainly as I learn how to do more stuff, and get around to actually finishing my projects.



Smallish update this time - I added the blog! Except I called it a Journal, because...I dunno. I guess the term "blog" to me implies I'm contributing useful information consistently, and this page is just gonna be basically my diary of thoughts when I think of them, life happenings, feelings about video games probably.

Other than that, I'm mostly just getting back into ripping assets from games and putting them up here on the Graphics page. So look out for new stuff over there. I'll also talk about my Japan trip in my journal soon!

I should get to working on my actual to-do list for this place, but I have a goldfish brain.


Okay. Hi. It's been a weird year, I'll say that much. Not necessarily bad, but it has been a Time.

I really should get a blog set up here, because I can ramble on and on about stuff and I think I want a space, my own space, to do that. I'm a ruminator and a thinker (not in a smart way, I just do a lot of pondering) and I like writing it all out, even if I'm better at images than I am words. On that note, I really haven't been drawing much at all, and that's something I'll go into on my hypothetical blog-to-be.

I'm still in isolation mode, haven't participated in any communities or social activies much unless pulled out of my cave, and it's gonna be really interesting to see how that attitude is affected by the fact that I'm going to Japan in two weeks. Yes! Holy shit. I'm excited and terrified.

How long of an update is too long? I'm gonna go get started on that blog thing. Take care. <3


*emerges from a massive pile of blankets and pillows* ...Yes, I am here, I am alive, it's almost spring now so I'm starting to feel human again. I don't feel like going into a big spiel about how I've been hibernating and not updating very much, but that's pretty much the gist of it.

I also have a laptop again, so I'm gonna be more productive in general when I don't feel like sitting at my desktop. >>;

Just a small update today, I added a lot more Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. backgrounds to the Graphics page and also switched hosting them to Proton Drive because the other hosting service was kinda unreliable.

Anyway, hi! It's good to be back to website-ing. :>


Seasonal depression has been kicking my ass. I've withdrawn into my shell again and started isolating myself, as I do around this time - but I don't like being like this! I always cut myself off socially when I'm down, but I want to be active in the 32bit.cafe community again. T-T And I'm sure my friends would like to know if I still exist.

It's not quite done, but I'm bringing the Traditional Art page out into the open, since that's been in the works for a while. I'll be actively adding new art to that page for a bit. I'm also working on a whole new section of the site for OC profiles, which definitely isn't done yet but I'm pretty excited about it! Other stuff coming up includes more game graphics and freebies, since I have way too many of those.


I kinda snuck into a hole for a while there - work has been ramping up so I've basically just been way more tired and just wanting to game. orz

There is a Freebies page up now, full of little graphics and such that I made that are free to use for your website or personal use. I have a lot of random stuff like this floating around on my hard drives, so I'll be adding stuff to that page gradually, as I find (and make) more stuff.

I also added a Shoutbox which I spent a lot of time being meticulous over, but I finally decided to just put it up. Honestly not sure if I'll keep it around, though. I've also been updating a lot of the art pages, and will have a page for traditional art soon! Yes I love being meticulous.