Button Wall

Here are my site buttons! They're very rudimentary right now, but I'm definitely gonna make more in the future. These feature some old Kirby pixel art of mine and an oekaki drawing of a Reala chao.

Disclaimer: All the rest of the buttons on this page are hidden behind a collapsing menu, because I don't want to bombard anybody with tons of animated buttons and gifs right away. When you're ready to view them, just click on the summary or the arrow to expand the view.

Misc. Buttons

These are various decorative buttons I've collected that don't link to anything!

Button Links

Buttons to sites that I like, nice people I've met, and/or have used for resources in one way or another.

cinni's oekaki “jasmine's journal” webmastering.neocities.org yarrow.neocities.org Chao Now!